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Calebsib's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Calebsib's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If GMOs are so bad for you than why have i not died from eating, over the past 14 years of consuming food.

Supporting Evidence: rekt kid (
1 point

I don't care if I die sooner you have a chance of dying eating organic foods because they may not be properly cleaned or have a disease in it

2 points

Food that has uses chemicals is fine because of the increasing number of people that there are in the world. People That also argue against not using GMOs most likely also eat the food, meaning that they are big hypocrites and should rethink their lives.

Supporting Evidence: Get rekt (
3 points

We should have also figured out if there were any major effects by now seeing how long we have been using chemicals in food.

0 points

That and it is to expensive for people to buy orgainc food so it a great solution to this.

2 points

though this is true some people can not afford to buy organic foods.

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