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Debate Score:122
Total Votes:154
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 YES! (51)
 NO! (36)

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cfhsaphg(98) pic

2nd Block Should the use of GMOs be banned?

1.   Are GM foods safe?

   How are they tested? Are they sufficiently regulated?

2.  Are we tampering with nature?

Do biotech companies have the right to control  GMOs?

3.  Do GMOs harm the environment?

4.  Should we grow GM crop?

Will biotechnology lead to over production?

5.  Do we need GMOs to feed the world?

 GM crops represent “the needs and dreams of developing countries” [Kenyan scientists] and “the fears of developed countries” [Green Peace].

6) What does the future hold?

  Are GMOs “a force for humanity” or “a reckless experiment”?

Will biotechnology dominate the future?

 Can diffusion of GMOs really be stopped? Does it matter?


Side Score: 63


Side Score: 59
4 points

GMO crops are also responsible for the emergence of “super weeds” and “super bugs:’ which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons like 2,4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange).

Side: YES!
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
3 points

Without GMOs would we have enough food to sustain the population growth in China and India? How much processed food do you eat?

Side: NO!
1 point

I agree with Christine because she makes a very valid point!

Side: YES!
1 point

I agree with you Christine! If we are using toxic poisons to kill super weeds that were used in Agent Orange, then what is stopping those poisons from being mixed into our food!

Side: YES!
2 points

GMO's should be banned because studies have shown that animals who have been GMOed have organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging and infertility. Studies done on humans show that GM foods leave materials behind inside of us and possibly cause long-term problems.

Side: YES!
2 points

in the U.S., GMOs are in as much as 80% of conventional processed food which are not good for you and make you fat and thats why people are much fatter today than years ago

Side: YES!
2 points

Some of the chemicals they are using are new and haven't been tested so we don't know how they affect us. The things they're using to "protect" us from things could be creating new problems.

Side: YES!
2 points

GMOs do not increase yield and work against feeding a hungry world. Whereas sustainable non-GMO agricultural methods used in developing countries have resulted in yield increases of 79% and higher, GMOs do not increase yields at all.

Side: YES!
2 points

Plants and animals weren't meant to be genetically altered no matter the circumstance, and I think this is a reason that we shouldn't GMO our food

Side: YES!
2 points

that a boy kiersteng, God did not make animals to be genectically altered, He made them to feed His children. We are His children and we need to eat them the way He made them

Side: YES!
1 point

I think that is should be banned because it taste better organic and fresh.

Side: YES!
alexandriabu(3) Disputed
3 points

Even if it does taste better people will tend to buy non-organic because it is cheaper.

Side: NO!
1 point

well if they would label them non-organic then more people would buy it!

Side: NO!
calebsib(5) Disputed
2 points

though this is true some people can not afford to buy organic foods.

Side: NO!
Rachelgiraff(4) Disputed
1 point

If we only produce organic foods the price will go down and now i need more characters okay wow

Side: YES!
alexriotto(5) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but don't you think people would be willing to pay more for their food if they know they are not going to die of disease from eating it?

Side: YES!
LaurenRunyon Disputed
1 point

Think about how GMOs are banned in the European union though, people there are easily able to afford food so what gives you the idea that people would not be able to afford food. Western Europe has a lower death rate for a reason...

Side: YES!
Evanbohn(4) Disputed
2 points

This may be true, but you need to think about that cost of organic food. It will be more then GMO food because there is less available. There would also be a lack of food because GMOs help us grow food faster, bigger, and in different climates.

Side: NO!
calebshrek Disputed
2 points

so you are saying that the production of more food at a lower price and available to more people, causing easier ways for the lower income and hungry people should be banned for the sake that everybody is forced to buy higher priced food which is still available for the people who can afford it.

Side: NO!
ColeWooten(2) Disputed
1 point

certain GMOs can prevent pests and make the crops grow faster and not change the taste of it

Side: NO!
1 point

GMO's are terrible for nature. i support the ban of GMO's because they harm animals, harm the environment and eventually people. The government only cares about money and profit not their people.

Side: YES!
BrettUrello(1) Disputed
2 points

There is no scientific proof that GMOs have any negative effect on people.

Side: NO!
3 points

We should have also figured out if there were any major effects by now seeing how long we have been using chemicals in food.

Side: NO!
LaurenRunyon Disputed
1 point

Did you not listen when we watched food inc? People die because of genetically modified food, or at least get sick from it.

Side: YES!
alexriotto(5) Disputed
1 point

Check this out.

It has even had health affects on animals and we still feed it to humans!

Side: YES!
MatthewHam36(1) Disputed
1 point

loook at all those sick children you animal. that is terrible because look at our nations health. some people cant even tell their left from their right. all the outbreaks and health concerns and outbreaks. the overall pollution is growing too fast and is hurting the environment and hurting us #BanGMOs

Side: YES!
1 point

I also think it should be banned because most of the animals in this case chickens are too fat to even stand up.

Side: YES!
0 points

your right the chickens sit in there crap and die and contaminate the other chickens.

Side: YES!
Br4yleenDee(4) Clarified
1 point



Side: YES!
1 point

I think GMOs are a bad idea because first, we're messing with the natural environment, and second, we're messing up our own immune systems because we're becoming resistant to the antibiotics they use in our foods.

Side: YES!
1 point

They should be banned because corporations are adding unnatural things that can be harmful to humans and animals, and they cause resistance to antibiotics, creating super diseases.

Side: YES!
1 point

I think the use of GMOs should be banned because despite the fact that, yes it creates more food faster and easier, but it GMOs hurt people more then they help. Animals that are fed antibiotics to make them grow faster, are going to effect people eventually by making them non resistant to a certain sickness that could eventually kill people. Plants that have been genetically modified are going to hurt people and animals that it is fed to.

Side: YES!
Becca18(3) Clarified
2 points

one of the GMOed food they should keep is the rice that helped people. if they ate it they would not have to get blood transfusions.

Side: YES!
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

How many GMOs do you eat daily? Do you think it is hypocritical to argue against them when you eat more as an American citizen than anywhere else in the world? How do you know that the GMOed food has led to diseases and death?

Side: NO!
1 point

The use of GMOs should definitely be banned. Genetic engineering is the process of transferring genes from one plant or animal to another. GMOd foods have never been properly tested so no one knows if genetically engineered foods are safe to eat!

Side: YES!
Evanbohn(4) Disputed
2 points

Yes but think about what your local grocery store would look like if there were no GMO foods. Chickens would be smaller and cost more, and vegetables will not be unique. And also, there is no evidence that GMO food are not safe to eat either.

Side: NO!
Aaronminter1(3) Disputed
1 point

I support Alex the whole way on this one but the idiot who commented on this is a moron who cares if the chickens are smaller they'll taste better and be healthier for you and the fruit will taste fresh.

Side: YES!
1 point

Yes, they should be banned! Sure they do provide a lot of food for the growing population. But at what cost? I think that GMOs are ok to a certain extent, such as to provide for countries who have people dying of starvation, because if they are starving to death it doesn't really matter what kind of food they eat. But as for the rest of the world, it should be banned. They are unsafe. In my opinion, there is a reason why God made things the way he did, and we shouldn't be pushing the limits by trying to alter foods in drastic ways and trying to feed them to people when it could result in major health problems.

Side: YES!
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
2 points

How can you prove that they are hurting the population? They have only been around for the last 50 years and their has not been any connectivity between GMOs and negative health effects. The diseases that have caused death have been around for centuries.

Side: NO!
alexriotto(5) Disputed
1 point

Our bodies can't even digest this GMO food correctly. Isn't that a sign that we are not supposed to be consuming things like this? Also look at all of these animals that have been affected by it:

If its killing them, what do you think it's doing to us?

Side: YES!
1 point

Another good reason that we should stop GMOing foods in because numerous health problem increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. Also GM seeds and plant can cross pollinate making new hybrids and this causes us to lose the original way the plant was.

Side: YES!
alexandriabu(3) Disputed
1 point

But if we stop GMOs their will be a reduction in crop production which wouldn't help us but even if we do take out the GMOed products there will still be health problems. If we take out the GMOed protein in rice it can cause more health problems with it not GMOed than with it without the GMOed protien in it

Side: NO!
1 point

Also it should be banned because the animals carry disease because of enclosed cages and their manure gets into the food and then they get sick and then we eat it and then we get sick! For example like that kid that died from ecoli in the movie we watched in class (food inc.), just from eating a hamburger.

Side: YES!
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

Most of the children that die from ecoli are due to the lack of sanitary practices in preparing the food or not cooking the meat to the optimal temperature. How does GMOs in crop or livestock production directly correlate with disease and sickness when those diseases have been around for centuries?

Side: NO!
1 point

GMO food may be helping the economy and the lower class of people in the present, but they are damaging us for the future through antibiotic resistance, transferring diseases from infected animals to humans, and our consuming of genetically altered animals that could cause health problems for us.

Side: YES!
1 point

Some of the chemicals they are using are new and haven't been tested so we don't know how they affect us. The things they're using to "protect" us from things could be creating new problems.

Side: YES!
1 point

GMOs need to be banned!!! Artificial hormones have been added to cows and other livestock to make them grow faster and produce more milk. The United States government claims that the hormones are safe but the European Union has banned the use of these hormones due to a possible link between the hormones and some types of cancers! WHY would we eat something that could possibly give us cancer?!

Side: YES!
cheyennes(6) Disputed
1 point

This may be true but the European union also doesn't allow GMOs without labeling and the connection of hormones and cancer hasn't been proven

Side: NO!
BrettUrello(1) Disputed
1 point

Yeah, POSSIBLE link, there's also a possible link between driving and dying, but people do it everyday, should we ban driving too?

Side: NO!
1 point

Also Government oversight is really crappy, that means that these companies can do whatever they want with these animals/plants and have nothing done for the way they do it. An example of this would be The FDA doesn't require a single safety study to be done, doesn't require GMO labeling, and allows companies to put their food on the market without having to notify the agency.

Side: YES!
1 point

When you grow GMOed food it can harm insects, birds, other animals that eat them, and it can also harm the soil they are grown in. For example GM crops have been eliminating the monarch butterflies habitat. The pesticides that are put on crops are causing amphibians to be born with birth defects and is causing organ damage in animals even in very low doses.

Side: YES!
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
2 points

Although chemicals that are part of the GMOed process can kill the Monarch butterfly, does the benefits not outweigh the cost? How do you propose we feed our 7 billion population without genetically engineering food product?

Side: NO!
1 point

Food items that contain GMOs are unlabeled in America because if more people knew what their food has in it and what it has been though before even going into the store the producers will lose money and they care more about their money than the humans health all over the world

Side: YES!
1 point

if we resorted just to natural farming and agricultural techniques the world would be fed. its just the fact that distribution of food is uneven. gmos are terrible the long term effects are hurtful and cause disease

Side: YES!
1 point

Also GMOs are the reason that organic food is so expensive, because once they load up this meat with a bunch of untested crap they sell it cheap and then people don't want to buy the organic $6 yogurt compared to the GMOed $2 yogurt.

Side: YES!
1 point

Genetically modified crops do not always ensure a larger harvest. GMO crop yields are not as promising as they are made out to be. In fact, GMO crops have been out yielded by their non-GMO counter crops in some instances. This conclusion was reached in a 20 year long study by the University of Wisconsin that was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This clearly negates one of the main arguments in favor of GMOs in that GMOs are better than non-GMOd crops.

Side: YES!
1 point

Let us talk about corn.

In genetically engineered corn,the amount of formaldehyde(look it up) and glyphosate(used as herbicide) is apparently unbelievable. The American EPA standards allow glyphosate in water of up to .7ppm. Tests indicate that animals begin experiencing liver damage at .0001 ppm of glyphosate in water. Need I say more?

Side: YES!
2 points

I say GMOs should NOT be banned because the change and transition would be too much for everyone to get used. GMOs are widely used today, and it has became a basic practice. GMOs also help with bigger and better food production, even though there are some health risks.

Side: NO!
calebshrek Disputed
1 point

there is no proof for any health risks created by gmo foods.

Side: YES!
0 points

That and it is to expensive for people to buy orgainc food so it a great solution to this.

Side: NO!
Brennon(7) Disputed
0 points

EXACTLY!!!!! HEALTH RISKS.... I don't want to die from eating what I love!!!! do you????!!!!!

Side: YES!
1 point

thank you brennon. food is good and if its good enough i would die for it. but food really isnt worth dying for so i wouldnt die for it and therefor i hate gmos #BanGMOs

Side: YES!
calebsib(5) Disputed
1 point

I don't care if I die sooner you have a chance of dying eating organic foods because they may not be properly cleaned or have a disease in it

Side: NO!
2 points

I believe GMOs should be allowed but to some extent, I think only simple, basic, helpful genes such as pest resistant and able to grow easier not "making it taste better" and unneeded over done genes

Side: NO!
2 points

for example they should keep the GMOed rice that you could eat instead of get blood transfusions.

Side: YES!
2 points

Food that has uses chemicals is fine because of the increasing number of people that there are in the world. People That also argue against not using GMOs most likely also eat the food, meaning that they are big hypocrites and should rethink their lives.

Supporting Evidence: Get rekt (
Side: NO!
kiersteng(3) Disputed
1 point

If this side keeps claiming that most people can't afford natural food, how can you claim that people who WANT their foods to not be GMOed are hypocrites? You can want to eat healthier but still not be able to do so because of income and the economy.

Side: YES!
1 point

We need GMOs to make our food supply feed more people. The use of GMOs also increases food supply, which will make food cheaper

Side: NO!
Michaelpiete(2) Disputed
1 point

On the other hand, GMO's are really unsafe, due to harsh living conditions for the animals. But some GMO's are good. But GMO's are mostly the cause of mad cow disease, and E Coli poisoning

Side: YES!
Rachelgiraff(4) Disputed
0 points

GMO's add unnatural ingredients that can cause diseases and DEATH.

(complete bs idk what im typing)

Side: YES!
Br4yleenDee(4) Disputed
1 point

But do not forget the genetically engineered products that are actually engineered to do just the opposite, like the rice McDowell had mentioned

Side: NO!
BrettUrello(1) Disputed
0 points

Sure, sometimes we have an outbreak of disease or death from GMOed food, but those don't happen very often.

Side: NO!
Brennon(7) Disputed
0 points

That's bull crap cause literally bull cows crap and then basically eat it because there so stoned from all the gmos that they are giving them that they are too dumb to realize it!

Side: YES!
1 point

They shouldn't be banned because it will effect the economy drastically. Also, food will be more perishable and food production will decline because we couldn't use pesticides or make the crops pest resistant.

Side: NO!
Michaelpiete(2) Disputed
1 point

Well, America is the second most obese countries in the world because of GMO'ed food. And Americans throw away so much food every year, it could feed the entire Africa. So, a decline in food production wouldn't be that big of a deatl

Side: YES!
MatthewHam36(1) Disputed
-1 points

bruh gmos are terrible. the market for organic foods is increasing and if the ban of gmos is supported all of the companies and producers of them would fall and the rise of more individual successful companies would replace them. Look at the organic food market its getting so large. I do agree with upholding gmos to some extent because the market would be relatively sustained but the overall physical and economic health would be much greater if gmos were banned and the US switched to organic and natural foods

Side: YES!
1 point

There are no inherent differences between foods produced from genetically modified foods. By moving a piece of DNA from one organism into another, scientists are not introducing a "new" product. The new product just creates an organism with a desired trait. the companies who wish to produce GMO's test the safety of the new organism before ever releasing it to the public. If the product is made from an organism that has known allergen, it must be tested for safety. No one has substantiated a single human death, or even illness, as a result of consuming GM foods.

Side: NO!
1 point

If GMOs are so bad for you than why have i not died from eating, over the past 14 years of consuming food.

Supporting Evidence: rekt kid (
Side: NO!
1 point

Food is often genetically engineered to accommodate the demands of many consumers. In the future, genetic modification could be aimed at altering the nutrient content of food, reducing its allergenic potential, or improving the efficiency of food production systems. Still I believe that all GM foods should be assessed and labeled before being allowed on the market.

Side: NO!
1 point

GMO had helped sustain our population and meet its many demands. If we were to go organic, who would be the ones to farm organically for the population?

Side: NO!
0 points

I believe that gmos are bad they don't know what harm they can do and the chickens grow twice the size they used to in half the time they don't taste the same.

Side: NO!
1 point

you are on the wrong side but i agree with what you are saying and the proven fact.

Side: NO!
0 points


Side: NO!
christinelup(5) Disputed
1 point

you can easily get pizza withoutnit being GMO, pizza could be on borh sides and itd be dumb to allow gmos just because of pizza

Side: YES!
alexriotto(5) Disputed
1 point

That pizzas gonna killlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Side: YES!
Br4yleenDee(4) Disputed
1 point

I do not enjoy pizza. I have to use 50 characters so---

A single serving of a plain cheese pizza equals of half a day's worth of saturated fat. Three slices of the most popular pizza at Pizza Hut -- the Pan Pepperoni Pizza delivers 690 calories, 1,620 mg of sodium, and 33 grams of fat -- including 13 grams of saturated fat. Two slices of the Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Lover's pizza delivers more than just love with 25 grams of saturated fat. And I do not like how it tastes.

Side: YES!