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RSS Mariapino

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Maybe we give them to many rights and freedoms which gives them the chance to be reckless without consequence. Also what countries are going to be the top dog when the U.S. and other core countries become morbidly obese. Let me give you a hint is the people who eat natural things that aren't completely filled with fat and other self-harming ingredients.

1 point

You think that the United States is peaceful we have the top incarceration rate. Also i have been to a third world country and they live in a tight knit society and are more than capable of producing natural food. Africa is no different they have the means and the labor to support themselves.

1 point

GMO's are considered afe but is there any actual evidence to support that GMO's are safe

1 point

we don't have to develop new food supplies we need checks and some people in LDC's will survive by the practice of subsistence farming because they have more than enough natural resources to support themselves

1 point

we don't need GMO's because we are already overpopulated so the use of them would cause the world to reach Malthus' point of crisis so the use of them are unnecessary but these population checks are.

1 point

yes because they can cause an even greater threat. an epidemic

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