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Evanbohn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Evanbohn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well 1. People with families will care if they are smaller because they will have to buy more to feed their family which will then cost more money. 2. Your saying fruits will taste "Fresher" if they are natural? Fruits are still fresh even if they are changed. I think the word you meant was "Organic"

2 points

Yes but think about what your local grocery store would look like if there were no GMO foods. Chickens would be smaller and cost more, and vegetables will not be unique. And also, there is no evidence that GMO food are not safe to eat either.

2 points

This may be true, but you need to think about that cost of organic food. It will be more then GMO food because there is less available. There would also be a lack of food because GMOs help us grow food faster, bigger, and in different climates.

2 points

I say GMOs should NOT be banned because the change and transition would be too much for everyone to get used. GMOs are widely used today, and it has became a basic practice. GMOs also help with bigger and better food production, even though there are some health risks.

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