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This personal waterfall shows you all of Haleigh00's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Though if bigger companies switched over to the organic way of life, they can come up with a way to meet the demand. With agricultural industrialization comes a faster way of living, we can go without the chemicals and still meet the demand. We just have to find a way, instead of checking the population with disease

1 point

Some people don't even know what GM food is, none the less what is in it. Studies show that there has been organ failure, in pigs that were GM. Do you want to eat something that can cause long term damage? Since GM food is "new", how can we prove that it doesn't have a negative effect on people?

1 point

GMOs SHOULD BE BANNED!!!!!!!! American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) states that GMOed foods are unhealthy, GMOed animals show organ failure, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. It also leaves material that causes long-term damage. Also the toxic chemicals they inserted in a GM corn where found in the blood of a pregnant women.

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