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LaurenRunyon's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LaurenRunyon's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Think about how GMOs are banned in the European union though, people there are easily able to afford food so what gives you the idea that people would not be able to afford food. Western Europe has a lower death rate for a reason...

1 point

Did you not listen when we watched food inc? People die because of genetically modified food, or at least get sick from it.

1 point

I think the use of GMOs should be banned because despite the fact that, yes it creates more food faster and easier, but it GMOs hurt people more then they help. Animals that are fed antibiotics to make them grow faster, are going to effect people eventually by making them non resistant to a certain sickness that could eventually kill people. Plants that have been genetically modified are going to hurt people and animals that it is fed to.

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