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RachelTurbev's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RachelTurbev's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The GENERA database lists over 36 examples of multi-year studies. In general, those results do not suggest any health hazards from feeding GMOs to livestock.

2 points

Genetically modified crops were introduced for animal feed about 18 years ago. Over a trillion genetically modified meals have been fed to animals. If this type of feed was producing unusual problems among livestock, then farmers would have noticed a long time ago. The system would not be productive because there would be mostly dead or sick livestock if the claims were true.

1 point

The most comprehensive study of GMOs and food that was ever conducted was done by researchers from the University of California-Davis Department of Animal Science. The data represented over 100 billion animals. They found that genetically modified feed is safe and nutritionally equivalent of non-GMO feed.

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