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Vincent2015's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vincent2015's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think I won, so now if you don't have anything else to say, please admit your defeat >:D

1 point

I understand that food is a big problem, but there are others way we can go about getting food to people. As you said they have done it in the past, why don't they do it again without all of this chemically altered trash!

1 point

People in those countries are not dying just because of lack of food, but mostly because of their lack of medical care. Plus, if they started to eat GMOed food that has been chemically altered a lot, how do you think it will affect their bodies since they have been eating completely 100% natural food?

1 point

I believe that GMOs should be banned, because they are not all natural. Of course I know that food is something everyone needs to stay alive, but I don't believe that we need to chemically alter food just for 1 simple reason. If we continue to alter our food, who knows what may happen next, for all we know these altered foods can one day be altered way too much to the point that it may start to affect our human systems.

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