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Channeller's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Channeller's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The reason we're probably consuming these kind of foods is because it's not labelled. Consumers don't know the difference. Major corporations are shady and sly.

1 point

If food that has been GMOed were to be labeled, the market and profit that major corporations bring in would decrease exponentially. Said corporations would realize where consumers are headed (organic foods) and change the type of product being released onto the market. The reason GMOed foods are still being eaten is because no one knows what's been GMOed and what hasn't.

1 point

If bioengineering food and animals weren't bad, major corporations wouldn't try so hard to hide it from consumers. People wouldn't be sued for simply speaking out against GMOed foods and animals if the biotech field wasn't so shady and corrupt.

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