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Cheyennes's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cheyennes's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Also GMOs are the reason that organic food is so expensive, because once they load up this meat with a bunch of untested crap they sell it cheap and then people don't want to buy the organic $6 yogurt compared to the GMOed $2 yogurt.

2 points

GMOs do not increase yield and work against feeding a hungry world. Whereas sustainable non-GMO agricultural methods used in developing countries have resulted in yield increases of 79% and higher, GMOs do not increase yields at all.

1 point

This may be true but the European union also doesn't allow GMOs without labeling and the connection of hormones and cancer hasn't been proven

1 point

Also Government oversight is really crappy, that means that these companies can do whatever they want with these animals/plants and have nothing done for the way they do it. An example of this would be The FDA doesn't require a single safety study to be done, doesn't require GMO labeling, and allows companies to put their food on the market without having to notify the agency.

1 point

Another good reason that we should stop GMOing foods in because numerous health problem increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. Also GM seeds and plant can cross pollinate making new hybrids and this causes us to lose the original way the plant was.

2 points

GMO's should be banned because studies have shown that animals who have been GMOed have organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging and infertility. Studies done on humans show that GM foods leave materials behind inside of us and possibly cause long-term problems.

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