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Connorbres's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Connorbres's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But is the fact that they're starving the result of non-GMO food? Maybe perhaps oppressive governments who limit access to food, or maybe it's because they physically can't grow food because the climate does not permit it.

1 point

But what about people in LDCs? Many people in MDCs have a hard time affording treatment, so the thought that people in LDCs can is silly.

1 point

Ad hominem attacks are juvenile and undermine your argument. Also, the population won't be increasing if everyone's got liver and kidney damage.

1 point

Does it matter if you go hungry once a week if you've got liver cancer because you're eating food?

1 point

Yes. They may cause cancer. See:

"The study found severe liver and kidney damage as well as hormonal disturbances in rats fed with GM maize in conjunction with low levels of Roundup that were below those permitted in most drinking water across Europe. Results also indicated high rates of large tumors and mortality in most treatment groups."

While we are certainly not rats, the high mortality rate among the rats fed GMO food is enough to warrant concern and further study.

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