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Isabelle_o's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Isabelle_o's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

actually these plants have been produced to be immunes to certain things like "Yoxicty"

1 point

okayyyyyyyyyyyy but has that been hurting us? NOPE!.............

0 points

theyve been proven to be safe................................................................................................

1 point

even tho they are doing this it has stopped pests and weather from ruining these plants

1 point

these gmos have been have been proven to be safe.

soooo sd/jklf ;dljiweofuieowruwufhuisdfhyio;sd f

1 point

gmos should not be banned because they are considerd safe by over 60 countries. they are also providing us food alot faster.

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