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Kwalters1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kwalters1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree that they should be labeled so if you don't want them you don't have to eat them.

1 point

They didn't want to do the interview with Foodinc. because they knew all the questions were going to be bias. You say it is dog meat and you will eat it later today. Foodinc. also didn't show exact information for some of the farms.

3 points

What evidence do we have that it hurts us more than regular food? The generation that started with the GMO's are still alive and nothing has been proven that it hurts more than regular food. Don't say it makes us more prone to diseases because we have had the discussion in class where some European countries have higher rate of cancer than us.

3 points

How are we going to say that they should be banned? If we switch to all organic we will not have enough food for everybody in the world. You say that they are gross and everything, but you still end up eating them everyday.

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