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Ramyalawar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ramyalawar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"The system would not be productive because there would be mostly dead or sick livestock if the claims were true.", have you seriously not been paying attention to any of the videos we have watched throughout this unit? there are unsanitary conditions and you see multiple animals drop dead due to disease or bacteria! Farmers have been noticing this for a while actually! As you saw in food inc., farmers are practically economic slaves to these corporations. Literally everything you said was proven wrong...

1 point

What you just said is utter bull! If we were to tear down those giant corporations and have multiple farmers supplying every city of America due to ratio of population to farmers, we could have an all organic food country. And the only reason why those "top 3 countries" have cancer is not due to food, it is due to multiple other factors usually from over use of medications (from population research sources)

1 point

GMOs should be banned due to many reasons! The over use of antibiotics is bad according to many expert pharmaceutic doctors because it will cause bacteria within our foods that is resistant to this medicine. This means that it will cause a what scientists call a "Super Bug", which is a super resistant bacteria resistant to antibiotics and can cause major sickness with little help to stop it due to its drug resistance. Many medical scientists say these "super bugs" could cause an epidemic.

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