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BowmanDavis's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BowmanDavis's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If you were to take out GMO's you would lose a lot of farm land because thats all some people grow because the origial crop has been lost and it would cause a lot of jobs to be lost

2 points

If they affects are bad then why does Europe have a higher cancer rate but don't have GMOs? And there is no proven prof that they are worse for us than Organic foods

1 point

Then how would the 7 billion people and growing on this earth be fed. It takes much more time to grow non GMOd food and it is not pest resistant and does not have high yields

2 points

I dont think they should ban them but they should label them so people know what they are eating.

3 points

I dont think they should ban them but they should label them so people know what they are eating.

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