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Sofiaspruill's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sofiaspruill's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

GMO products also require much more pesticides and insecticides than an organic crop. You are increasing the amounts of toxins and chemicals in your body immensely. If you wouldn't drink from a bottle of herbicide -which is in fact highly toxic- why would you want enormous amounts of it in your food supply? The increased amounts of these toxins can only lead to significant health problems for the future generations.

0 points

GMOs have no genetic diversity. In the same way that a pure-bred dog (which lacks in genetic diversity) has many more health problems than a good old mutt (containing high genetic diversity). GMO foods are much more susceptible to diseases and issues than an organic, unmodified food.

1 point

I believe GMOs should definitely be banned. If GMOs weren't bad for us, as so many companies want us to believe, why would they not be proud to package products as GMOs? Why would they be so sneaky about what they are selling to us for us to put in our family's bodies?

2 points

I believe GMOs should definitely be banned. If GMOs weren't bad for us, as so many companies want us to believe, why would they not be proud to package products as GMOs? Why would they be so sneaky about what they are selling to us for us to put in our family's bodies?

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