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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cfhsaphg's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We are rats? You have to remember that we have small traces of chemicals in everything from our environment to our food, but small amounts have proven to be harmless to humans. It may warrant concern, but does starvation warrant more?

1 point

Is there any proof that is directly causes diseases? Diseases have been around for centuries!

1 point

Do you believe there is a link between all of the antibiotics in our food supply and the rise of things like MERSA?

1 point

Has it been proven that these chemicals are detrimental to our health or did you make that last statement up?

1 point

First of all, you can't type. Also if we did not have GMOs, than how would we sustain the population of 7 billion and growing? Do you eat GMOs or are you a hypocrite?

2 points

Although chemicals that are part of the GMOed process can kill the Monarch butterfly, does the benefits not outweigh the cost? How do you propose we feed our 7 billion population without genetically engineering food product?

1 point

How many GMOs do you eat daily? Do you think it is hypocritical to argue against them when you eat more as an American citizen than anywhere else in the world? How do you know that the GMOed food has led to diseases and death?

1 point

Your argument makes no sense. Why do you even speak? It was a waste of time to read your comment.

1 point

Most of the children that die from ecoli are due to the lack of sanitary practices in preparing the food or not cooking the meat to the optimal temperature. How does GMOs in crop or livestock production directly correlate with disease and sickness when those diseases have been around for centuries?

2 points

How can you prove that they are hurting the population? They have only been around for the last 50 years and their has not been any connectivity between GMOs and negative health effects. The diseases that have caused death have been around for centuries.

3 points

Without GMOs would we have enough food to sustain the population growth in China and India? How much processed food do you eat?

1 point

Is it better to die of starvation? Would we be able to feed all of the 350m plus in America without the usage of GMOs and commercial farming?

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